Programming trends in 2023

by 9bits 08.02.2023

The trends in programming in the current 2023 will be the continued popularity of languages and tools such as Python, JavaScript frameworks and Docker, as well as the growing interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning.


Python will continue to be one of the most widely used programming languages, especially in the field of data science and machine learning. JavaScript will continue to be the dominant language for creating interactive web applications, and frameworks such as React and Angular will continue to be developed and improved.


Also in 2023, automation and virtualization tools based on Docker containers will continue to be popular due to its convenience and efficiency. Cloud services will also continue to grow, with an increasing emphasis on performance and security.


Artificial intelligence and machine learning will continue to be developed and used in more and more fields, including medicine, transportation, finance and marketing.


In 2023, further progress can be expected in the field of deep learning and the development of tools for creating neural networks.


To sum up, in 2023 we will witness a continuation of trends regarding popular languages and tools, as well as a growing interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning. These trends will have a significant impact on the development and progress in the field of technology and information technology.



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