Programming history

by 9bits 30.03.2023

The history of programming began in the 1930s when scientists began developing information processing machines such as the Mark I and Mark II. At that time, however, programming was still very limited and complicated, and the code had to be entered directly into the machine.


In the 1950s, the first programming languages, such as Fortran and COBOL, were created that allowed programmers to write code in a more natural way. This period also saw the development of the first personal computers, such as the IBM 701, which allowed programmers to work with code directly on the machine.


Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, programming became more and more advanced, and new languages such as BASIC and C began to emerge, allowing for easier and more flexible software development. The first operating systems, such as UNIX, were also created at this time, allowing programmers to create applications and programs more easily.


In the 1980s and 1990s, programming became even more accessible to the general public, with languages such as Pascal, C++, and Java allowing the creation of advanced applications and programs for various platforms. During this period, the Internet was also created, which allowed developers and users to access information and applications from around the world.


Since the beginning of the 21st century, programming has become even more advanced and computerisation has become an integral part of our lives. New languages and tools were created, such as Python, Ruby, PHP and JavaScript, which allowed the creation of even more advanced applications and websites.



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